Saturday, March 19, 2011

One Hundred Plus

I didn't know if I would embrace this whole blog thing, but it's growing on me. Kind of like a colony of E. coli, but in a good way.
Today the blog allows me to thank all of you for being part of the 100-plus “likes” for Crazy Lucky Dead. I appreciate everyone clicking on the page, and a shout-out goes to Andrea, Betsy, Chandra, Chris, Cindy, Jane, Katie, Michael, Raven, Theresa and all others who posted the link on your own Facebook pages. Several “likes” were certainly generated that way.
Now to tie up some loose ends:
1)      A couple of you asked to see the complete list of people who “like” the page, but nobody seems to know how to do it. Marcus, a tech whiz where I work, then told me that the Facebook founder probably set up things so that the list is private – but you can see your friends who also signed up. I’m not even able to see the complete list, and it's my page!
2)      My website will be launched soon. Webmaster Jon Brooks is gathering home-page images in his head right now, and I sent him words and phrases corresponding to my book that he can work with. Gambling, despondency, desperation, murder – that’ll be the theme, I think.
3)      BTW: I can't use for my website domain name. Odd story about that – I’ll explain in my Wednesday Morning blog.
4)      The current agent rejection scoreboard is four via mail out of the 20 that I sent out, and four by e-mail out of eight. One e-mail rejection I received yesterday reads as follows:
“Your manuscript sounds interesting to say the least, but I'm afraid we are not the ones to represent it. We are a children's book author agency – young children.”
I guess gambling, despondency and murder aren’t cute enough for three-year-olds.
Okay, to improve my odds of agent acceptance, this morning I'll drive to the post office to mail five more query letters to New York. So if you'll excuse me, I'm going to make like a fetus and head out. Thanks again, 100 plus.

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